The graph below shows the distribution of heterozygous (HIP) and homozygous (HOP) deletion strains as plotted by z-score and compound for your selected gene. Placing your mouse over a particular point will display the corresponding experiment annotation as a table below the graph as well as the corresponding identifier. Clicking on a particular point will load the corresponding HIP/HOP results in a separate window.
Click here for heterozygous deletion strains that correlate with YPR055W in HIP
Click here for homozygous deletion strains that correlate with YPR055W in HOPSeveral experiments and compound concentrations might have been tested and the results of all are included in the plots: to exclude a given concentration click on the corresponding row in the experiment table on the right side of the graph.
For more information please go to: Hoepfner et al., 2013
Group | Experiment | Type | Concentration |
Id | Name | Compound Concentration | Experiment ID | MADL Score | Z Score |
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